Noah 123movies Full Movie Stream

Watch Noah

3.04/5 - (1905 Votes)
Countries: USA,
Release Date: March 28, 2014
Year: 2014
Runtime:138 min
IMDb Rating:
Keywords: Noah full movie

The story about a righteous man that he is singled out by God to save innocent life so the evil and corrupt can perish in a disastrous flood that will cover the earth.Encouraged by his grandfather Methuselah,Noah begins building an ark that will contain two of every beast and plant, as well as his family.His wife Naameh supports her husband and so does his two sons,Shem and Japheth.But his other son Ham isn't so sure due to the fact that he lacks a spouse similar unlike Shem,who has Ila. As birds, reptiles, and then mammals enter the ark, humans gather nearby, anxious for their own boarding passes. But they were tried to be stopped by an evil king Tubal-cain and his people,whose wickedness God intends stop.But once the waters rise, Noah faces new challenges.Among them is that he finds out that Ila is is pregnant and no longer barren and whether Noah wants to end humanity or not when they enter the new world.