The Heist of the Century 123movies Full Movie Stream

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Watch The Heist of the Century

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Genre: Comedy, Crime
Countries: Argentina,
Release Date: August 14, 2020
Year: 2020
Runtime:1h 54min
IMDb Rating:

On the sunny and seemingly ordinary Friday of January 13, 2006, the bohemian martial-arts instructor, Fernando Araujo, and his hand-picked four-member crew stormed into the branch of Banco R�o in the affluent neighbourhood of Acassuso, Buenos Aires. As the thieves work fast, emptying dozens of safety deposit boxes crammed with millions of dollars, precious jewellery, and heavy gold bullion bars, the chief negotiator, Miguel Sileo, and his armed-to-the-teeth men encircle the silent two-storey building, in the aftermath of the bloody Villa Ramallo robbery. Now, five determined bank thieves along with twenty-three helpless hostages find themselves trapped in the building. Will the audacious robbers get away with the heist of the century?