Holmes & Watson. Madrid Days 123movies Full Movie Stream

Watch Holmes & Watson. Madrid Days

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Countries: Spain,
Release Date: September 07, 2012
Year: 2012
Runtime:2h 9min
IMDb Rating:

After to have some dreams about a crimes with a similar pattern with the Jack the Ripper's crimes, Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson moves to Madrid to investigate the deaths of some women committed in the Ripper's style. In Spain, Watson meets with an old friend, Dr. Delgado, who introduces Holmes and Watson in the high society of the city, knowing important people like compositor Isaac Alb�niz, writer Benito P�rez Galdos or the young journalist Jos� (Josito) Alc�ntara, who follows the assassinations through his reports for La Gaceta, an important Madrid's paper news. Other people include Duquesa de Lima, her niece Elena (a Watson's love interest), and Marqu�s de Simancas, a businessman with connections with the Ministerio de Fomento (equivalent to Department of Housing and Urban Development) for some construction projects in the city. Meeting Inspector V�lcarcel, Holmes, Watson and Alc�ntara looking for discover if Jack the Ripper is really the murderer.