UFO Investigations The Alien File 123movies Full Movie Stream

Watch UFO Investigations The Alien File

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Release Date: February 17, 1989
Year: 1989

For the first time. The truth behind our encounters with aliens from outer space has been leaked under the freedom of information act secret documents are now in the public domain. These documents are examined in this programme and contain information that proves the existance of aliens on earth. During this programme we will examine secret military reports from the U.S. Army, Navy and a secret section of the U.S. Government as well as interviewing intelligence officers and Airforce personnel. The result of our investigation will truly shock as we present some of the most unsettling facts ever presented to date including: The National Secret Act of 1947 "The Rosswell Crash" "Project Grunge" The Truman Document Actual military encounters and stunning home video footage of U.F.O's If Proof is what you are looking for, then this video will change the way you think about our closely guarded secrets. They are here! So why do governments keep us from the truth!